Monday, September 24, 2012

Reusable UI

One of the objectives of this project is to build a reusable test UI, which is not only available for the TPC test, but also for users' self-defined tests.

To achieve this objective, I use properties files of Java.According to the Java API, Properties are configuration values managed as key/value pairs. In each pair, the key and value are both String values. The key identifies, and is used to retrieve, the value, much as a variable name is used to retrieve the variable's value.

I let uses to browse the system and choose the properties files. In each properties file, a property called 'testClassName' is required. The 'testClassName' is the name of the java class which implement the test function. Program searches the default directory to find the java class file and run the test.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Embed Swing and AWT in SWT

I am looking for a way to draw dynamic diagrams in SWT. I have found a very power Java library called JFreeChart. Unfortunately it support Swing better than SWT. Therefore I need a way to embed Swing into my SWT GUI.

I have discovered that SWT provides an very easy way to do so.For many SWT components, they have a attribute called SWT.EMBEDDED. By adding this attribute, the component knows that another application is plugged in.

Here is an example of this function.

Display display = new display();
Shell shell = new shell(display, SWT.EMBEDDED);
Frame frame = SWT_AWT.new_Frame(shell);
frame.add(new JLabel("This is a Java Swing Label"));

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Be careful with Java Thread.join() in GUI design

I was stuck by a problem for about a week. Every time I tried to run the GUI,the GUI was frozen, no buttons, menus or any other operations could be done until all the back-end computations finished.
Finally I figured out the cause of the problem. Since I'm using parallel programming. I created a thread when a new transaction was required, and I joined all the threads when they finished. I created threads with following code:

Thread threadArray[] = new Thread[testThreadNmuber];
for(int i=0; i<testThreadNmuber; i++)
    threadArray[i] = new Thread(testDriver);

Above code worked fine. I thought I should be able to use the similar way to join the threads. Therefore I wrote following code:

for(int i=0; i<testThreadNmuber; i++)
    System.out.println("Thread-" +i+ " : exited\n");
However, the join() function caused a critical error. I didn't realize the problem of join(), because it was the common way to implement in Java parallel programming. While I understood the problem by reading the Java API. In Java API the explanation of join() is 'Waits for this thread to die'. As I called the join() in the main thread, the main thread would wait for all the sub-threads to die. In GUI design, the main thread is the thread that draw the interface. If the interface waits all the sub-threads to die the main thread will hold up and the interface will not response any operations. Therefore, I should not use join() in GUI programming.

However this cause another problem. If I don't use join(), how I can know if all the jobs finish? One simple solution is to create a integer, if one thread finish, the integer plus one. When this integer is equal to the number of threads, all the thread finish. But this integer must be locked when one thread is updating it, otherwise the race condition may occur.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Progress Bar

The performance testing requires a very long time, we need to know the progress of the testing.
Progress bar is a common choice.Progress bar is provided as a component by Java SWT. To add a progress bar, following steps can be used:
1. Create ProgressBar object, and choose the style, such as: ProgressBar bar1 = new ProgressBar (shell, SWT.HORIZONTAL | SWT.SMOOTH);.
2. Set the maximum value and minimum value, bar1.setMaximum(100);
3. Set the progress of the ProgressBar in a long time task, progressBar.getSelection() + 1.

Progress bar should be used with thread. The threads that are not UI thread cannot write the UI directly, otherwise the UI will be frozen, no more operations can be done with the UI. It is the same reason that the progress bar must update the UI in a separate thread.

Here is how I did to create the progress bar:

final ProgressBar progressBar = new ProgressBar(composite, SWT.SMOOTH);
    FormData fd_progressBar = new FormData(); = new FormAttachment(0);
    fd_progressBar.right = new FormAttachment(100, -42);
    class ProgressBarRunning extends Thread{
         long testRuntime = Integer.parseInt(text_1.getText());
         public void run() {
      for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
  try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
display.asyncExec(new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
if (progressBar.isDisposed())
progressBar.setSelection(progressBar.getSelection() + 1);

In the above code, the first thread decides how long the progress bar increase. The second thread updates the progress bar.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Introducing Java SWT

I have been using Java Swing for a while, I have some personal view of points about Swing.

It is very hard for a beginner to build a good looking GUI with Swing. Without further knowledge of Swing, the GUI doesn't look like a proper software.The  appearance doesn't fit the current system.

Swing is not thread-safe. Thread is the core of front-end design of this project. I need to care about which thread is updating GUI. If something goes wrong, some unpredictable behaviors will happen.

I have introduced Java SWT into my GUI design base on following reasons.

Java SWT always fits the current operation system. The GUI is friendly to users.

Java SWT will throw exceptions when threads go wrong which is better than the uncertainty of Java Swing.

Java SWT runs faster than Java Swing, since my job is performance test, I want to reduce the influence of GUI to the performance of the test.

However Java SWT is not perfect. I need to worry about the compatibility of Java SWT on the Non-Windows platforms. The Java SWT is not included in the standard JRE package, it needs to be installed.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

java Class.forName(className) ClassNotFoundException

package test;

 public void run()

        if(debug) jTextArea2.append(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " started !");
            String testThreadID = Thread.currentThread().getName();
            if(debug) jTextArea2.append("To instance a test class with name = " + testClassName);
            IRunner testRunner = (IRunner) Class.forName("HelloTester").newInstance();
            if(testWarmup>0)  Test(testRunner, (long)(testRuntime*testWarmup/100.0), false,jTextArea2);
                                Test(testRunner, (long)(testRuntime*(100.0-testWarmup-testCooldown)/100.0), true,jTextArea2);
            if(testCooldown>0)Test(testRunner, (long)(testRuntime*testCooldown/100.0), false,jTextArea2);
        catch(Exception e)

After compiled, I got exceptions:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: HelloTester
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: HelloTester
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: HelloTester
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: HelloTester
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: HelloTester
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: HelloTester
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: HelloTester
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: HelloTester
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: HelloTester
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: HelloTester

The problem was caused by the red line:
 IRunner testRunner = (IRunner) Class.forName("HelloTester").newInstance();
 IRunner testRunner = (IRunner) Class.forName("test.HelloTester").newInstance();

Although the item can be used directly within the same package. But the package name is added by the compiler by default. When the item is loaded by the Class.forName(ClassName), it searches the item in the default package. Therefore the package name should be added with the ClassName.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

JAVA Thread

I did some work on JAVA Thread this week. I found two ways to use thread in JAVA.

public class ThreadA extends Thread{
   public void run(){

public class ThreadB implements Runnable{
   public void run(){

I wrote a piece of code with the first method.

class MyThread extends Thread{
        private int threadID;
        public MyThread(int id){
        public void run(){
            int random = (int)(Math.random()*10000);
                jTextArea1.append("thread: "+this.threadID+" slept "+random+"ms"+"\n");
                jTextArea1.setCaretPosition(jTextArea1.getDocument().getLength() - 1);
            catch(Exception e)

private void StartActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
        num_of_client = Integer.parseInt(jTextField1.getText());     
        for (int i=0;i<num_of_client;i++){
            t.add(new MyThread(i));
The output of above code looked like:
thread: 4 slept 1204ms
thread: 7 slept 2472ms
thread: 6 slept 4397ms
thread: 9 slept 6533ms
thread: 3 slept 7535ms
thread: 5 slept 7589ms
thread: 2 slept 8443ms
thread: 1 slept 8455ms
thread: 8 slept 9379ms
thread: 0 slept 9457ms

I was not clear what the difference between those two methods. According to the JAVA api, The Runnable interface should be implemented by any class whose instances are intended to be executed by a thread. The class must define a method of no arguments called run.

Normally the better way is implementing Runnable interface, because if the thread class you are creating is to be subclass of some other class, it can’t extend from the Thread class. This is because Java does not allow a class to inherit from more than one class. In such a case one can use Runnable interface to implement threads.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

NetBeans for GUI

My original idea was that using Eclipse to develop GUI. But I found it was not visualized when I was coding. It was hard to tell what the GUI looks like unless I start debug. But this process was so complex, repeated and annoying. Wenhao suggested me to try NetBeans.

I did some research on NetBeans. I will put some materials in this blog, in case I need them later.

NetBeans is a not only a IDE but also a platform framework for Java. It is very powerful for develop Java desktop applications. I can simply drag buttons, boxes or anything else I want in GUI to the working station, and the NetBeans will create the code for me. This is much easier than dealing with code directly, because in NetBeans, what you see is what you get.

NetBeans does not only support Java, but also support JavaScript, PHP, C, C++ and other languages. When I installed the NetBeans, it let me choose if I wanted GlassFish. Since GlassFish might be useful when we connect database, I allow the NetBeans installed and configured GlassFish for me. This was very convenient.

I downloaded NetBeans from here. I chose Java EE version, since I need Java EE and GlassFish, but not other languages. The installation process was quit simple. Then I chose some plug-in.

NetBeans API Documentation - Includes a complete copy of the NetBeans API documentation for offline browsing and Javadoc index searching. Covers all of the official API modules plus some APIs considered under development.

JUnit - Includes the JUnit unit testing library and corresponding library definitions. 3.x and 4.x versions are both included.  

Web Preview -  Web Preview module allows to directly preview HTML pages inside IDE using Embedded Mozilla browser. Also when editing CSS files user can preview any selected HTML page that includes the CSS file.

CSS Preview by Flying Saucer Renderer - Previews CSS documents using the Flying Saucer XHTML rendered    

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Development of System Architecture

In the last meeting with Dr.Shiping Chen, we showed him our design of the system architecture.
the original design

In the original design, we didn't show how the front-end communicate with back-end. We also missed the web service which should allow user access from Internet. Dr.Shiping Chen explained his idea and improved our design, Wenhao and I then came out with a new diagram.
the improved design

In the second version, it classified the division of front-end and back-end clearly. As shown in the above diagram, my jobs are:
  • design the user interface
  • design the command line interface 
  • decide what user can input
  • implement multi-threads
  • solve the concurrency control problems
  • design the ports to back-end

Meeting with Wenhao at USYD

Wenhao and I had a meeting today at USYD. Our main topic was the project proposal.

I will then keep working on the background, and keep our schedule up to date.
The background should include the explanations of TPC-C and other important concepts, introduction of other people's works on the similar projects, and our motivation of this project.

I will also modify the Gantt chart which keeps the plan and process of the project.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Meeting with Dr. Shiping Chen

Wenhao and I went to CSIRO to meet Dr. Shiping Chen yesterday. We talked about our initial design and architecture.

For my next move, I need to construct the developing environment for JAVA GUI. Current idea is to use JAVA swing. I also need to make a command line interface for user. My front end developing progress with Wenhao's back end developing simultaneously. I should test my parallel programming without the actual database implemented.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Developing Tools

Dr. Shiping Chen gave us some ideas of developing tools that we could use for this project. I did some research on these tools.

GlassFish is an open-source application sever project started by Sun Microsystems for the Java EE platform.
The advantages of GlassFish:
  • Free community-supported application server
  • Full Java EE 6 platform support
  • The best open source application server in the industry today
  • Next-generation modular and extensible architecture (OSGi)
  • Enterprise reliability and performance with full clustering
GlassFish can be downloaded from here. There are some documentations that can help us start.

Apache OpenEJB
OpenEJB is an open-source, embeddable and lightweight EJB Container System and EJB Server.
The advantages of OpenEJB:
  • Allows for easy testing and debugging in IDEs such as EclipseIntelliJ IDEA or NetBeans with no plugins required. 
  • Usable in ordinary JUnit or other style test cases without complicated setup or external processes. 
  • Complete support for Glassfish descriptors allowing those users to embedded test their applications. 
  • Incredibly flexible JNDI name support allows you to specify formats at macro and micro levels and imitate the format of other vendors. 
OpenEJB can be downloaded from here. There are some documentations that can help us start.


Monday, March 12, 2012

Reading materials

Dr Shiping Chen provided some reading materials for us to get start. The documents are listed as below:

TPC-C website:
TPC-C benchmark on HP ProLiant servers and server blades :
Standard benchmarks for database systems:
TPC-C benchmarks Standard Specification:

Sunday, March 11, 2012


This is my firt post, just to test everything is working.